Louis Proyect
2014-10-19 12:16:36 UTC
Pope Francis appeared on Saturday night to have lost out to powerful
conservatives in the Roman Catholic church after bishops scrapped
language that had been hailed as a historic warming of attitudes towards
gay people.
In the final report of an extraordinary synod on the family which has
exposed deep divides in the church hierarchy, there is no mention ? as
there had been in a draft version ? of the ?gifts and qualities? gay
people can offer. Nor is there any recognition of the ?precious support?
same-sex partners can give each other.
conservatives in the Roman Catholic church after bishops scrapped
language that had been hailed as a historic warming of attitudes towards
gay people.
In the final report of an extraordinary synod on the family which has
exposed deep divides in the church hierarchy, there is no mention ? as
there had been in a draft version ? of the ?gifts and qualities? gay
people can offer. Nor is there any recognition of the ?precious support?
same-sex partners can give each other.