Louis Proyect
2014-10-20 12:33:45 UTC
At least Tom Frank does not try to conceal his past:
"Krugman tells us that his regard for the president was late to bloom. I
myself moved in the opposite direction. I liked Obama a lot in 2008; in
fact, I even voted for him during his ill-fated run for Congress in
2000. I anticipated great things from his presidency, in part because he
wasn?t connected in any obvious way with the Clinton administration. And
I have been increasingly disappointed by his performance as the years
"Krugman tells us that his regard for the president was late to bloom. I
myself moved in the opposite direction. I liked Obama a lot in 2008; in
fact, I even voted for him during his ill-fated run for Congress in
2000. I anticipated great things from his presidency, in part because he
wasn?t connected in any obvious way with the Clinton administration. And
I have been increasingly disappointed by his performance as the years