[Marxism] UN: friend or foe
Philip Ferguson
2014-10-20 04:07:20 UTC
*Isn?t the United Nations a neutral body representing the international
community? Can?t it work in an unbiased way?*

The United Nations was established by the winning powers in World War 2.
They redivided the world between them, with little concern for anyone else.
The UN was created to give legitimacy to this new world order.

One of the first major activities of the UN was to create the state of
Israel, thereby dispossessing the Palestinians. Shortly after this, the UN
intervened mainly in Korea to back up the dictatorship in the South and
preserve imperialist interests.
In the Congo in the early 1960s, the United Nations used its ?neutral?
cover to play an important part in the overthrow of the radical regime of
Patrice Lumumba. This resulted in. . .
full at: http://rdln.wordpress.com/2014/10/20/united-nations-friend-or-foe/
Lüko Willms
2014-10-20 19:41:50 UTC
Post by Philip Ferguson
One of the first major activities of the UN was to create the state of
Israel, thereby dispossessing the Palestinians.
Actually, the UN did not create the State of Israel. This state was created by the colonial war launched to "ethnically cleanse" Palestine from Arabs.

The UN General Assembly only gave a political cover for this act.

One has to remember, BTW, that this majority vote for a colonial racist partition against the declared will of the majority of the colony's population, was made possible by the USSR working in harmony with the USofA in order to push for the partition resolution. This was one of the stalinist rulers' major counterrevolutionary crimes.

Among the 33 countries voting for the colonial partition plan, were the three votes of the USSR (Ukraine and Belarus had their own UN membership) plus Poland and Czekoslovakia. 13 countries voted against (of course all six Arab countries no longer under colonial rule, plus Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Iran, Turkey, Greece, and Cuba), and 10 abstained, among those Jugoslavia.

L?ko Willms
