Louis Proyect
2014-10-20 12:27:46 UTC
Doug Henwood has a major article in the latest Harper's on Hilary
Clinton, which is behind a paywall. I'd advise one and all, at least if
you are in the USA, to pick it up at the newsstand and even consider
taking out a sub. I have been a Harper's subscriber since the early 80s
and really value it, warts and all. It has the guts to take on the
Democrats, something that the Nation is loath to do. Short of buying the
issue, this summary of Doug's article is useful:
Clinton, which is behind a paywall. I'd advise one and all, at least if
you are in the USA, to pick it up at the newsstand and even consider
taking out a sub. I have been a Harper's subscriber since the early 80s
and really value it, warts and all. It has the guts to take on the
Democrats, something that the Nation is loath to do. Short of buying the
issue, this summary of Doug's article is useful: