[Marxism] Update/Correction: NOT IN OUR NAME: Rally against anti-Muslim bigot Ayaan Hirsi Ali at NYU-affiliated Forum
A.R. G
2014-10-20 16:15:10 UTC
*NOT IN OUR NAME: Rally against anti-Muslim bigot Ayaan Hirsi Ali at
NYU-affiliated Forum*

Where: 92nd St & Lexington Avenue

When: 6:30PM, Wednesday, 22 October

NYU Law?s newly acquired Forum on Law, Culture, and Society, is hosting
Ayaan Hirsi Ali to screen *Submission*, a short film by Dutch
ultranationalist Theo Van Gogh attributing women?s suffering to the Islamic

Ali, a Somali-Dutch writer, has written
that Islam is a ?nihilistic cult of death,? describes the Islamic faith in
its entirety as ?the new fascism,? and calls for the constitution of the
United States to be amended
deprive Muslims of the legal right to practice their religion. When asked
if she is for ?defeating radical Islam,? Ali clarifies that she is for
Islam, period

While other universities have correctly rescinded
<http://www.brandeis.edu/now/2014/april/commencementupdate.html> honors to
Ms. Ali for her bigoted, irresponsible, and academically void
generalizations about Muslims, NYU Law has stamped its approval on the
Forum on Law, Culture, and Society as it brings her to speak.

The Forum was enthusiastically embraced
NYU Law Dean Trevor Morrison this summer. Its director and host of
Wednesday?s event, Thane Rosenbaum, opined during Israel?s indiscriminate
bombardment of Gaza last summer that virtually all Palestinian civilians
forfeited their ?right[s] to be called civilians? due to how some voted in
a 2006 election. As a slew of critics noted, Mr. Rosenbaum?s commentary
mimicked terrorist propaganda
to justify massacring innocent people -- including Americans and Israelis.

The Forum is also bringing former ?Stop & Frisk? NYPD police commissioner
Ray Kelly, whose department spied on Muslim students at NYU and throughout
the country, and former Attorney General Michael Mukasey. The men will
present the film Zero Dark Thirty, a CIA-vetted film widely interpreted to
justify torture as necessary and justified to capture Osama bin Laden.

A coalition of student and community groups has called for this protest as
part of a growing campaign to get NYU Law to reassess its relationship with
the Forum.

Meet outside the 92Y at 6:30PM on Wednesday, 22 October. You are encouraged
to bring banners and materials. E-mail arg415 at nyu.edu to add your
endorsement. You can also visit us on Facebook
<https://www.facebook.com/antifolcscoalition> and sign our open letter

Demonstration Endorsers:

NYU Students for Justice in Palestine

NYU Law Students for Justice in Palestine

NYU Law National Lawyers Guild

Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine

Jews Against Islamophobia Coalition

Jewish Voice for Peace -- New York

Labor for Palestine

Jews for Palestinian Right of Return

Middle East Crisis Response

Hudson Valley Boycott, Divest, Sanctions


Middle East North Africa Solidarity Network-US

International Action Center

Queers Against Israeli Apartheid

**A previous version of this statement erroneously described Ali as
Nigerian-Dutch. She is Somali-Dutch. The names of endorsers have also been
Louis Proyect
2014-10-20 16:21:21 UTC
Post by A.R. G
*NOT IN OUR NAME: Rally against anti-Muslim bigot Ayaan Hirsi Ali at
NYU-affiliated Forum*
Where: 92nd St & Lexington Avenue
Fucking 92nd Street Y, a block from my building and a symbol of
everything that's wrong with official Judaism and its besotted Zionist
elites. I'll be there...
